The other day, she was pretending to play golf (papa's newest love). When papa asked her if she would like a set of clubs and balls too, she replied "How about pink ones? Pink princess ones?"
On our trip to pick out curtains for Tex's room, Peanut chimes in "I need pink curtains". She already has some cutesy curtains for her room. Granted, they are not just pink.
As we strolled through the toddler clothing department, "How about a dress? A pink one?"
And, it was with the motivation of princess stickers and underwear that Peanut was encouraged to start using the potty (even though its only white!).
Her favorite Disney princess? "The pink one" = Sleeping Beauty.
I had really hoped to keep the princesses out of our lives for another year or more, but somehow their allure is irresistible. In trying to figure out how they slipped in, I think it all started with Ms. Christie's Dancing DVD where a ballerina dressed as a butterfly first caught Peanut's eye. This then lead to her picking out what she called a "dancing dress" with butterfly wings for her 2nd birthday present. Perhaps princesses just looked like little girls who always got to wear pretty ("plilly") dancing dresses!
But, the PINK!!! Its all Peanut.
So it's pink, pink, pink huh? Sounds just like peanut. But just wait, in a few years the love affair with pink generally turns to a love affair with purple. As for the princess fascination, she definitely picked the best one. Sleeping Beauty is my favorite also. Did you know she is the only original Disney Princess that went by two names? Aurora Rose and Sleeping Beauty...
We haven't hit the pink stage yet, we are with the 'everything has to be purple' stage!
I'm dreading the day when she discovered princesses and fairies! Such fun times!
Hope you are all well, love the blog still.
Perhaps you are lucky enough to skip the pink phase entirely and go straight to purple! Peanut's been asking for some purple things recently, too, so maybe we are "progressing".
The Disney princess machine is insidious so once they do make the discovery - watch out - those ladies are EVERYWHERE!
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