We love Sea World.
Its a 20 minute drive away. Its just like spending the day at a gorgeous park. Its full of unique experiences every time we visit. Peanut and Tex can't get enough AND both their parents enjoy it just as much - a rare combination in child amusements :-)
We worked out the best season-pass combination for us:
> one adult and Peanut picked up the "
Fun Pass" early in the year giving entry through 2008 for the price of a single day
> the other adult upgraded to the "
Silver Passport", which includes free parking (otherwise its $10/visit or $12/visit during summer) and discounts on guest passes among other benefits
> little Tex is free until he turns three
We've also scoped out the
back-trails and less-known entrances to shows to help avoid the crowds.
This insider info came in handy this past weekend as we sloshed through the massive crowds of vacationeers. We managed to hit all the major shows (Shamu's Believe and the Dolphin Show) and exhibits as well as a "no-line, no-waiting" lunch pit stop and shopping in under four hours!
Here are our favorite Sea World San Diego hints:
- Buy your passes online - skip the ticket lines and get access to the best-priced deals.
- Arrive by 10:00 am for great parking and a chance to look around before the Shamu Show.
- Check the map for Show times.
- First Shamu Show is almost always at 11:00 am. Get there at least 15 mins before the show.
- For Shamu - use the back entrance to the stadium. Go around toward Shipwreck Rapids to see it. Plenty of stroller parking, very little foot traffic so you can really get in and out quickly. We usually sit on the sides since the center stage seats are too loud for the kiddos.
- Dolphin feeding is often right after Shamu so you can go straight there or head for lunch along with most of the park :-)
- Lunch in the back of the park at Coconut Bay Cafe is a good way to dodge crowds and get a great view of Mission Bay.
- The Shark exhibit is nearby. You can choose to skip the viewing pool at the entrance as the real view is in the Shark Tunnel underneath.
- For the Dolphin Show, park your stroller to the LEFT of the entrance where there are less strollers parked and puts you in the right direction to head for the Arctic Adventure. This show is always packed so if you want a seat - get there early! We have also stood at the top and had the children sit on the railing space. The stadium seems to be facing the sun at all show times, so it will be hot and sunny - bring drinks & sunscreen!
- Risky Rescue show is one we had to leave because it had a mime that terrified both children. Grandy and Nana say its a fun show.
- The Arctic Adventure is one of our favorites. Similar to the Shark Exhibit, if you are in a hurry, you can walk past the first above water viewing station as the beluga whales are visible later from an underwater station.
- If possible - bring your own drinks, snacks and food for the kids. Save some money and have it all available when you need it. Though officially not sanctioned, we've never been asked to not bring it in and we've never hidden the fact we have it with us.
- Oh, and there's free beer samplers at the Anheuser-Busch Hospitality Center -- or so Gandy and Nana tell us :-)